Friday, January 7, 2011

Chess Pie Filling

In the top of a double boiler combine, stir lightly/heat until thick:
4 egg yolks
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup milk
Then stir in:
2 cups of dates, separated and heated with a little water
1/2 cup English walnuts
Once thoroughly blended, cool.  If you refrigerate left overs it's OK but it'll be real stiff.
Serve on its own or in shells made from pie crust recipe.  Top w/ whipped cream.
NOTE:  If you dare to use Dream Whip or the like, I will find you in Eternity and hassle you.


  1. trying my hand @ this pie today...

  2. Michelle asks: Is the idea to put the filling into the shells and THEN cool? This is "no bake" correct? Could I refridgerate uneaten pies? Have you ever had it in one large pie shell?

    DotAndDottie reply: First, have you tried it yet and how did it go over?

    It is no-bake except for the shells. It's much easier to put in the shells even slightly warm than chilled, although we did that all the time. Scrape one spoon with another. You just need to be careful not to break the shells. Good luck with that.

    You can refrigerate leftovers of the filling only or ones that are made up, but don't put on the whipped cream until it's going to be served.

    You can make it like a regular pie but it can be difficult to slice thinly enough (especially with whole dates.) Generally, this isn't served like a big slice of apple pie ala mode. It's too rich. The amount of crust helps to moderate that.

    A muffin sized shell filled 'way up is sometimes too much to finish, especially after a lot of other food. A big glass of very cold milk does wonders in helping that along, though.

  3. Thanks, Uncle Steve! I hope to make this recipe soon. I'm so glad you put it here because I can't find it on the Internet. I know you're in heaven, but just in case you check the blog, well, belated happy birthday Unk!
